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Classification: painting »
Theme: landscape »
Medium: Oil »
Support: on canvas »
Winter on the Delaware
Alternate title: Trees along the River
Oil on canvas
24 x 30 in. (60.96 x 76.2 cm)
Signed lower right: John Folinsbee
Jim's of Lambertville, Lambertville, New Jersey
John F. Folinsbee Art Trust
Sold, Newman Galleries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Private collection
Jim's of Lambertville, Lambertville, New Jersey
No known exhibitions.
Published References
No known published references.
Record last updated December 6, 2019. Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: Jensen, Kirsten M. ""Winter on the Delaware, 1930s (JFF.001)." In John F. Folinsbee Catalogue Raisonné. www.johnfolinsbee.org/catalogue/entry.php?catNo=013 (accessed on September 20, 2024).